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Jamillah is about her Heavenly Father’s business. She maintains a strong prayer life and daily intercedes for many. She is gifted with prophetically praying for others and guiding emotional healing to those she coaches and mentors, with many embracing her as their Pastor, Mother, and Prayer Warrior. She enjoys teaching the word of God and mentoring with passion. She strongly believes, the only way deliverance can be permanent in the lives of individuals is by having an equipped teacher.

Jamillah Cupe is a mother of three, speaker, author, publisher, licensed minister, and coach. Author of Amazon’s five-star rating for Destroy the Cage: Break Free into God’s Purpose and Un-Stuckness: Breaking Generational Chains and Strongholds Through Prayer. A strong believer that “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all,” (Psalms 34:19, KJV).


That is, the Lord has given His children tools and strategies to prosper in their position through Jesus Christ, as overcomers; regardless of the obstacles facing them.  One of Jamillah's greatest joys is to help people pullout from within, their power, strength and resilience at times where they feel disadvantaged.

About Jamillah


Jamillah enjoys opportunities to speak, to inspire, and to teach individuals how to apply life-changing biblical principles in addressing underlying everyday life challenges. When individuals are taught these tools, they become equipped to productively progress onward and pass difficulties without losing faith.


She holds strong interests in dissecting matters with a physical and spiritual perspective, that impact women, children, and families as a whole. Her article, “Hardships Children Face in the United States of America by Having a Parent in Prison: How to Help Them! A Program Proposal” has been published in the Journal of Sociology and Criminology.



Jamillah earned a Master’s Degree in Criminology from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor of Science Degree from Pennsylvania State University in Criminal Justice – Minor in Human Development and Family Studies, and an Associate of Science Degree in Social Work: Human Services from New Jersey’s Essex County College.


She has a Career Diploma in Child Day Care Management and other certifications connected to this field. Also, she is a member of the Professional Impact NJ registry for Childhood Professionals, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and Women Speakers Association; clearly a supporter for positive world-changing initiatives.


"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised"

Luke 4:18

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In 2013, Jamillah accepted her call into the ministry and started monthly speaking engagements at Goodwill True Vine Mission Inc. in efforts to share God’s word. She was later licensed as a minister by the Overseer Bishop Ernest Pernell, founder of Noah’s Ark House of Prayer in Newark, NJ. 

In 2016 after an intense consecration, the Lord placed a deliverance and healing anointing upon her life, and she became the first partaker of that anointing. She has been through many challenges and knows first-hand, what the power of prayer can do. This has put Jamillah in a position to spiritually assist and relate well with all people of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities in ministering the gospel of Christ, for she is called as a mother to nations. ​

Since 2017 she has been under the covering and leadership of Dr. Joseph Siju. The Head Pastor of Holy Ghost Christian Center branches, in the United States of America (an International African Pentecostal Ministry). Under the guidance of Dr. Siju, is where Jamillah was deeply trained in her calling of deliverance. In August of 2020 she also received additional certification in deliverance, upon completion of training, by Apostle Chris Gaba, Founder and Leader of the International Prophetic School of Deliverance. 

Minister Cupe has a history of working with individuals through one-on-one spiritual mentorship, as well as supporting other ministries. Those who have had an experience working with Jamillah, can’t help but to love her. Many have embraced her as a Mother and Pastor and would describe her a quite storm— gentle, yet strong! 


Jamillah believes, “We are all one body in Christ and a house divided against itself in ministry and in the home, cannot stand.” But, when we stand together in unity and love as one, oh, how powerful the move of God can be! She ministers at different churches and often for women support groups.


God has taught Jamillah that you might not have had control over some experiences, setbacks and mistakes, but there are many things going forward you do have the power to change. Position of power comes when you focus on the things in the present and future, that you do have control over and embrace this gift. God can turn your life challenges into a testimony and ministry to help others. God is more than able to restore you from wounds you think are impossible to heal.

​Many rave reviews and testimonies continue to follow all of Jamillah’s books. However, she is eminent for Un-Stuckness: Breaking Generational Chains and Strongholds Through Prayer and Un-Stuckness: Keys to Deliverance through Prayer Jesus' Way. God is definitely using Minister Jamillah for His glory through her writings, workshops, speaking engagements and service to help others on their journey of personal healing.

Minister Jamillah Cupe's

Best Selling Books

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Comments (4)

2022년 12월 07일

Minister Jamillah mentored me when I was going through a tough time during my last year in high school. With her help I gained a more positive outlook on life and learned to pray. She was very patient with me and understanding.


2022년 11월 26일

Minister Jamillah is an amazing! During my deliverance session with Minister Jamillah I learned so much about myself and that there are areas where I still need healing. She is teaching me how to be free, stay free and live a life of victory, I appreciate Minister Jamillah so much and thank God for her. Please take the time to read Un-Stuckness: Breaking Generational Chains and Strongholds Through Prayer. It will change your life. I bought a copy for my cousin who said the book came at a time when she needed it.


2022년 11월 25일

My interactions with Minister Jamillah have encouraged me to keep on with my life, she has been able to help me pull myself out of the dark and help me achieve my short life term goals. She has been able to provide me guidance and I am grateful that she and Jesus has not given up on me!


2022년 11월 25일

Minister Jamillah has been my mentor for the past 2 years. I was once a follower of Islam and after I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I found myself still needing guidance on how approach my family with this change and also how to strengthen my walk with the Lord and she was very helpful and supportive. With her mentorship, I have learned spiritual tools through the word of God to develop a strong foundation and apply my FAITH in everyday situations. I am so blessed to have connected with her.

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