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Are We There Yet?

What were you born to do? Knowing your purpose is intertwined with having a vision and the foresight of what you desire to accomplish in life. Vison inspires us all to have goals. In order to achieve your goals you must have a plan of action. Your plan of action is your strategy for manifestation and your faith confessions is the first step in actualizing your beliefs and desires. There are many times when you can feel discouraged and entertain depressing words in your mind and heart; we are human. During these times we vaguely realize that speaking negatively, fears, and doubt is the equivalent of setting our own roadblocks. Such behavior only makes it more difficult for you to reach your destination. Regardless of your experience, when you see a shut door it is your responsibility to command it to open. God has given us, His children, the authority, ability and power to change external circumstances by our words. Many of us make the mistake of allowing our emotions to be manipulated by what we see and speak words as if we are at the end of the story, when it actually still is in progress. Remember words are powerful. When you are expecting to fulfill personal goals and achieve purpose, it is important to evaluate the language you are rehearsing in your heart. You must ensure you are using words which correspond with what you want to see (1 Peter 3:10 NLT). Speaking the right words is one tool that can assist you with redirecting your life and moving in the right direction. Mute the voice that does not edify, uplift and encourage and believe that God wants the best for you. He created something special on the inside of you, an assignment that only you can fulfill. People can imitate, but no one can take your place or operate in your calling like you, even if they tried; for you are the original. Photocopies are never the same! Therefore, you must know your purpose and fulfill it! You can experience wrong turns, accidents, bruises, scars and setbacks traveling to your destination. However, as you press your way and do not give up, you will arrive. Mental toughness and passion are built when we confess in faith and speak words that affirm our hope! Faith confessions allow you to confirm and affirm the vision that you want to come to pass in your life. Only you have the power to see internally what you would like to experience externally. You can really have what you say and experience what you believe! What are your faith confessions?

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