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Being Thankful

Thanksgiving is a special day when we should pause and take a moment to reflect on all we have to be thankful for. This year, I am particularly thankful for how God has preserved you and I, in the mist of experiencing a worldwide pandemic.


2020 introduced unpreceded challenges of a global pandemic in which our faith, hope and trust in God was challenged. Teaching us several things, that firstly, as believers it is essential to let the word of God dwell in us richly. For Jesus has taught us that man does cannot live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Secondly, that we must operate with understanding the many benefits, power and authority we have as children of God. This means that we must allow our faith to grow from one level to the next. By not just knowing the Word of God but by applying it in our daily lives. Secondly, we must believe in God, His promises and have faith when we call out to Him. For if we don’t trust the principles of God, we will weaver, be unstable and lack the manifestation of receiving His promises.


Wearing face masks, social distancing and overusing hand sanitizer has never been our norm. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have not been able to interact, connect and communicate with our love ones like as in previous years.

Many of us were not able to have love ones by our side while in hospital receiving medical treatments, having surgery and giving birth. Additionally, social gathering for funerals and protest demonstrations has been challenging.

Some churches are open and some have been closed. Attending church and trying to pray and worship with a face mask on is not easy either. All of these situations have been difficult. This dynamic has limited the amount of social, emotional and spiritual support we receive from those in our network of support.


These things have caused many to experience mental, physical and emotional break downs. With this in mind, I want to remind you that all of you need attention. Your physical body, spiritual body, mental body and emotional body; the whole body! We often put extreme attention on our outer appearance, the foods we eat (and often do not miss a meal), including vitamins and medication but fail to ensure that we put equal attention to address the needs of our mental, spiritual and emotional body. Focusing on the physical you without giving attentions to the other parts of who you are, creates imbalance. We must be equally strong in all areas. For this reason, it is especially important to include measures in your daily schedule to ensure you are not malnourished mentally, spiritually and emotionally.


Please remember, it is so important to established a sincere relationship with God and keep Him first. He is the architect and source of your existence, knows all of your needs and nothing or no one can replace His power and ability to move mountains on your behalf. Therefore, let nothing substitute His place in your life. Put no person, job or thing before Him and seek His opinion when challenges, concerns and decisions making arise.

Let God remain your source and regardless of the storm, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER. God will show you that the flood cannot drown you nor can the fire burn you. Give Our Heavenly Father your mind, spirit, emotions and goals; all of you

  1. Physical health: Eat nutritiously; do not overcook veggies, drink plenty of water, take vitamins (C 1,000 - 10,000, Zinc 50 mg, A and D daily are only suggestions, seek medical advice from your doctor) and exercise.

  2. Spiritual health: Read the word of God daily, pray, sing worship songs.

  3. Emotional health: Choose to release negative emotions: forgive others and yourself. Surrender any shame, blame, pain, regrets, disappointments. Treat others in ways you want to be treated. Listen to spiritually encouraging, motivational and inspirational messages. Seek spiritual mentorship.

  4. Mental health: Practice positive self-talk, meditate on the word of God and know your spiritual identity. Create goals, write your vision and develop short plans that build mental stimulation, such as reading Motivating, Christian, Skill Trade Books to support your progress and direction with upgrading your life.


I pray that in any area where you have been weak physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally or discourage, that the Lord with restore and strengthen you double, in Jesus’s name! I wish you and your family a safe and Happy Holiday Season!

Not just on Thanksgiving Day should we reflect on our blessings but everyday!

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