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Daddy Issues: Part One

No matter how old or young you are, you came into this world by the hand of God and the coming together of your parents. Parents are the first people to shape and influence our lives. Therefore, we are all impacted by how they raised us. The internal environment of our thoughts and the external exposure of how we were raised were molded and influenced by our parents. Oftentimes, people judge one's successful careers and financial status as measurements of great achievement and accomplishment, while neglecting to include or equate being a mother or father that has fostered positive outcomes to their family as the most top-rated accomplished goal.

The most powerful title, greatest role and experience on earth is being a parent. This is because God puts parents in position to lead, teach by example and influence the foundation of how their lineage becomes fruitful and multiplies, from generation to generation— a tree is known by its fruits! God gives parents opportunities and the ability to nurture their fruit in a way that adds value to their own life, family and the world at large. How you treat every gift that God has given you matters, especially the gift of having a child! What value does the gift add to your life, how do you appreciate it, care for it, nature it, preserve its usefulness and protect it from breaking?

God’s commandment in Genesis 1:28, has never changed, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth;” we are made to reproduce ourselves in the earth. This means we duplicate what is inside of us physically, spiritually and emotionally…after our own likeness. The question is, what kind of tree are we growing and what type of fruit are we reproducing?

Unfortunately, many mothers, fathers and families want to look like good fruit on the outside but ignore and hide the rottenness within. Have you ever selected a piece of fruit that looked delicious but when you took a bite tasted horrible? A tree that continuously produces tasteless fruit may look pretty but will not be useful. While it may look great the tree is not useful making it a waste because the full use is never realized. And this is what the enemy’s goal is towards families, to waste the trees and destinies of families at large. Darkness, matters that contaminate the mind, spirit, soul and destiny of families must be exposed to light for healing to take place. When the foundation and roots of a tree are addressed only then can it be healed, repaired, and restored.

The Dad Book by Bishop David Aaron Richey helps you to do just that— experience restoration. It demonstrates you are able to be restored from what your dad did or did not do during your childhood. This book will also make you appreciate if you had a good dad who bonded with you and positively shaped who you are in the world today. It shows the significant role and impact fathers have on the family. Many adults that have experienced abuse, dysfunction, chaotic living conditions, hurt, discouragement and disappointment are passing on the same energies under this umbrella to their children creating more negative cycles.

As a minister strongly devoted to teaching believers, individuals and families the importance of breaking generational cycles and how to do it— I love the Dad Book! It allows me to see with a new set of eyes the enemy’s counter attack against the seed of woman from an added perspective. When the enemy’s deception influenced disobedience in the Garden of Eden, the consequences and God’s judgment became “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

The strategic way to sabotage the seed of a woman is to attack the one responsible for planting the seed inside her— the man! Men are made to strengthen the family unit but when they are absent, unavailable or abusive the family unit is broken by this significant piece and often irreparable damage is done. The boy child is destined to be a man. He is targeted by the enemy in such a way that he is often tempted in the area of character and a likeness that breaks down families instead of strengthening and adding value.

We all need a good father. Without the boy (man child) having the character, quality and attributes to know what a good father does and what a good man does, how does he know what to emulate? Without a good father, how does a daughter know how to feel safe, secure, how a man is supposed to father and treat a daughter? How will she have confidence in her identity, image while avoiding manipulation or being taken advantage of? What does her image of the men become?

Author Bishop David Richey explains the importance of establishing a relationship with Father God and having a good Spiritual Mentor/ Pastor or Leader to fill the gaps where we have been wounded by our “dad experience”. He goes on to further explain that there is great power in the DNA of our Heavenly Father that resides on the inside of you and I. The aforementioned DNA can override and repair the areas in which our natural fathers have failed.

If the foundation is destroyed what will the righteous do? David Richey states in chapter one page 3, that “the diabolical reasoning behind stealing fathers is to keep the child from reaching the God- ordained purpose for their life.” Understanding and grasping the concept that the father’s relationship with the child ultimately impacts the trajectory of offspring.

Many people have failed and have not been able to fulfill their destinies as a result of their failed relationships with their fathers.

However, The Dad Book teaches us that hope is not lost because we can have a new identity with God as Father and Spiritual parents standing in the gaps that our relationships or lack thereof with our biological fathers have created. My prayer for you is that the evil expectations of the enemy concerning your life, family and destiny, will never come to pass and that God will place spiritual parents and mentors to help fill any voids which exist. To purchase the Dad Book and discover more about Bishop David Aaron Richey click on link


Heavenly Father, I thank you for this day, life, health and strength. I thank you that I have been adopted into the family of Jesus Christ and that I am your child, your heir and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. I thank you, that in you do I live, move and have my being.

This day I forgive my mother and father for where they have failed to nourish, equip and help me into becoming the best version of myself. Lord, your word says that when one's mother and father forsake them you will take them up, so father help me today to be healed and made whole.

I humble and surrender myself before you. I ask that you wash me today in every area, place and memory location, that I have been spiritual, mentally and emotionally wounded. May your hand repair my soul and restore my life.

May your great hand and mighty power detach me from every Generational Destiny Robber that has created Generational Genocide in my maternal and paternal family lineage. By my adoption, union with you and the blood of Jesus Christ, I decree my exemption and liberation from these negative forces.

I cast these forces down and out of my family and charge your angels of war and judgement to back me up with enforcing this decree. I stamp, seal and sign this prayer in Jesus' name! As I decree this in the earth, Father let it be established forever in heaven!

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