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Daddy Issues Part Two: Single Parent Households

Many absent and non-involved fathers are contributing to the rampant growth of devastating statistics of families, Author David Richey shares. He not only identifies this problem but shares with an understanding eye the different dynamics some children encounter because a good father is lacking. Most importantly David Richey gives potential solutions to address negative outcomes in The Dad Book.

Too many have been negatively impacted by not having a good dad. Sad to say, a lot of fathers have managed to make time for whatever they wanted to do and/or discover what it would takes to accomplished whatever self-fulfilled goal they had, except for investigating how to be a good dad. They reciprocate from their own experiences of life and have become content with not trying to change for better.

A dad is one who not only manages to have time to do everything they want, but is equally concerned about being responsible in shaping the mind and character of their children. They are not only concerned about their own needs but, if necessary, seek to discover what’s required to be a good responsible father. What is worse than an absent father? An abusive and non-involved one— these kinds are not at all ideal!

Unfortunately, while others describe a fabulous, amiable childhood experience with their fathers and commend how they were raised, numerous others have childhood experiences that they want to forget about. Many Adults and youths in today’s world are negatively impacted by absent fathers. David Richey shares, 1 in 3 children are raised in a fatherless home (U.S. Dept. of Health) and 85% of all children with a behavior disorder come from fatherless homes.

The rate of single parent households where mothers are the primary caretakers strongly out weights environments where dads are the single parent. In my review of research African American Descent are ranked first, American Indian Descent are ranked second and Hispanics come in third place of having high rates of single parent households. Also, all in this category are more likely to experience poverty than those of Caucasians when there is one head of household.

Poverty is a dominant spirit that inflicts many areas of people and family lives, not only in finances. It is a force that the enemy uses to steal, kill and destroy, our peace, joy, relationships, focus, health, wealth and success. The yoke of poverty must be dealt with by prayer and fasting. As God desires for us to prosper, the enemy desires for us to struggle by the influence of poverty. This spirit is stealing, killing and destroying fathers, creating the breakdowns of households and many other things that affect us.

David Richey states that the awful spirit of destroying relationships in general and father/child relationships in particular, has been in the world since the beginning. That life can be so harsh and cruel many times, until a person will think that the best plan of action is to avoid any resemblance of past trauma at all cost. Sharing this analogy holds true of a relationship with a father too, when the relationship has been unbearable. One may believe they have been doing good without a father and can continue to live without one... but this is not God’s plan for you (p58-59).

Damaged foundations must be repaired from the bottom up. No matter how damaged one’s foundation has become there is great power in God to fix it! I strongly believe many who have had an absent father need “The Dad Book” written by Author David Richey to understand God’s definition of a father, what their father should have done and how to allow God to fill the void the absent or non-involved father created; God wants you healed and whole!

In order for the high rate of absent fathers to be reversed, a shift in the mindset of men at large needs to take place. And this happens by more spiritual mentors and fathers taking on the role of leader, friend and helper to boy-children that will grow up to be men and fathers. Fathers play an important role in a child’s life, therefore, positive actions and efforts must be taken for circumstance of families to change regarding this matter. An increase of faith-based support systems and programs for youth males and single parent households would be a start. Further, applying the power of prayer would be a great addition.

It seems there is still an ancient Pharaoh that is still after the boy child. Do you know there are angels assigned to your life, family, community, city, state, region and ministry? Put these angels on assignment to correct the foundation of your life and family. Do not let God wait any longer to hear your voice, cries and decrees against the spirit of poverty; stand against it in Jesus’ name!


Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I repent for my sins known and unknown. I repent for the sin of my parents, their faults unintentionally and their intentional errors. God, I ask for mercy! By the power of your son Jesus Christ, defend me and my case. May the blood of Jesus Christ sanitize the foundation of family and remove all that has contaminated the roots of my life. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I command all demonic decrees, agreements and plots against my name, family and all the boy-children within my family lineage to be reversed and overturned by the fire and force of Almighty God’s hand. Lord, I stand on Psalm 46:1, that you are a present help in time of trouble and need. Please bring divine helpers and mentors in my life and in the lives of all the children and single-family households within my bloodline and community. In Jesus’ name I pray, this prayer shall be established in heaven and in earth, Amen.

Click here to purchase "The Dad Book" and learn more about Author Bishop David Aaron Richey!

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