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Done Being Stuck?

You may be feeling stuck and wondering, “How do I get started with experiencing a positive new chapter in my life?” Yes, there may be a few things that have been keeping you from making progress. However, once you identify your impediment the; work of liberating yourself can commence. In order to get un-stuck, you must be able recognize what factors may be preventing you from moving forward. To advance in life you have to know your purpose, have vision of fulfilling your destiny, set goals, plan and apply action.

1. Understanding your purpose.

Hosea 4:1 states that people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. You cannot live in purpose without knowing your purpose! Your purpose is connected to what you love to do, your gifts, talents and calling in which you are having a positive impact on certain populations (troubled youth, single mothers, divorced families, children and families with special needs, music, writing or that one something …. you name it!) or the world as a whole. No one can be you and accomplish your God given tasks like you! Mimic no one either, stay true and be authentic in your size shoes! No one can do what you were born to do, learn it, do it and become the expert. Knowing your purpose inspires a passion that can not be quenched.

2. Vision to see your way.

Foresee the road to fulfilling your goals, dreams and visions. Keep your eyes fixed in the right direction and on the right things. You cannot look backwards while walking forward; those who do are double minded and unstable. Maintaining good sight is necessary to avoid tripping and falling. After all, who can see in the dark. You cannot thrive without vision, Proverbs 29:18. As you have identified your purpose you must allow God to help you work on your vision. Once you have your vision you must write it, plan it, draw it, map it, sing it, pray it, believe it and walk it.

3. Believe.

Doubt will keep you stuck. Believe that you can accomplish what you desire. Why call on the Lord if you do not believe (Romans 10:14)? Many pray and ask God for help but then doubt that He is able to answer. Others, will call it quits because of frustrations. Therefore, a key to becoming un-stuck is to hold on to your faith and belief, regardless of opposition. If God created time and the constellations to flow so that we can experience the four seasons in life, why not trust that with Him all things are possible (Luke 1:37). When you trust God, you will have faith and hope despite hurdles and will not lose-heart. For God is the Author and Finisher of your life and faith and will give you a tactical system to make your vision come to pass. As a result of God placing purpose and destiny on the inside of you to fulfill it in the earth, He has made provisions to ensure you have the capability and resources to complete it.

4. Actions aligned to where you are going.

Apply what you know and take the right steps. It is important to operate strategically in alignment with your vision and purpose. This means you must be focused and every move must be intentional, organized and well planned. The only thing that can keep you stuck at the action stage is fear. It has the ability to grip you, paralyze you and delay you from moving at the right time. Remember, God has not given you the spirit of fear but love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) and you need to adopt all three to live the un-stuck life.

5. Evaluate

Schedule a time frame to evaluate your progress. This will allow you to determine if you are on or off alignment with making progress, according to what you desire. If you are off track this gives you power to reposition yourself and stay on target.

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