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Faith Booster Shots

Do not underestimate the power of your thoughts (Proverbs 23:7). What you think will ultimately become your belief. How many times have you spoken negative words while feeling upset or discouraged? Some of us are so accustomed to speaking negatively that we don’t even notice that you have spoken negative words to yourself. The words you speak reflect how you are feeling at that time. Like it or not, even in those situations in which you have unknowingly made negative affirmations, those word can still negatively affect your life; even if what you said was something you did not actually mean.

How do we counteract negativity? This is how, we take a new position and make new declarations. This means every negative spoken word must be canceled and replaced by words that strengthen positive outcomes. Additionally, take a moment to consider how many times others have spoken negative words to you intentionally or unintentionally out of ignorance, anger, hate or jealousy? The same concept applies here, something must be done about this because words and thoughts have power. The negative words others have negatively affirmed must also be cancelled.

Faith Confessions are a way to combat negative statements spoken by you or others (James 3:10 NLT; Proverbs 15:4; Proverbs 12:14; Matthew 12:37, NLT). It builds your spiritual immunity, increase mental strength, sharpens belief and supports your vision. Faith also comes by hearing, so when you confess out loud what you are believing and hoping for, it strengthens the ability for it to actually happen (Romans 10:17). Additionally, it teaches you to speak with faith, hope and positively even if you feel upset, discouraged or disappointed.

Proverbs 18:21 says that the use of our tongue has the power of life and death. This means the words you confess can add, change, build inspire and create. Conversely, words can tear down, damage and destroy. Speaking the right words to yourself can enhance your life and build you up. So, the question is, what ways are you be building yourself up or tearing yourself down through your words?

Faith Confessions

  • I operate in power, love and a sound mind.

  • The hand of God is washing my mind; I have new mindset.

  • I bind every negative confession spoken over my life and destiny and cancel them.

  • The Word of God is dissolving every negative word sent into my life by others.

  • I shall speak only what I want to see even when I am frustrated.

  • I am laser focused and can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

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