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The quality of your life and that of your family is dependent on your ability to fight; to push and press despite of complicated situations. Many of us never thought about fighting the invisible until the experience of COVID-19. However, I want to tell you that your fight has been with that which is invisible all the time. Since the day you were born, your fight has been against spiritual ancestral forces that have attacked your mother’s and your father's lineage— creating cycles of sickness, abuse, dysfunctions and poverty. The same devils that attacked your great- great grandparents and their parents' parents have been and/or on assignment to attack you.

Secondly, your attack has been from the negative forces that operate in your home and community environments that keep people stagnant and in some form of poverty. Ephesians chapter 6:11- 18 states, that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. For this reason, our fight and prayer life must be addressed on all the aforementioned levels. Standing against these forces by casting them out of your life, resources and family. Additionally, standing in blocking their ability to steal, kill and destroy in your life.

The Kingdom of darkness seeks to retaliate against the Kingdom of light. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, the true light that lightens us and by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior, you become shifted into the Kingdom of Light. As you are in the Kingdom of light, the Kingdom of darkness seeks to manipulate your life and pull you into its darkness, especially by attacking your health and joy. However, when you know your authority and operate in it, you limited their ability to have an upper hand on your life because you have chosen to take charge with the power given through your salvation.

Preparation for the fight requires having a clear understanding of your identity, power and authority in Jesus Christ and believing it with all your mind, spirit and soul. Thus, having the wisdom to move strategically with the whole armor of God. Failure to understand how to address the spiritual battles of life: how to fight and respond to oppositions will cause you to feel defeated, depressed, discouraged and clueless about why your struggles are as such.

Demonic forces from the Kingdom of darkness are the invisible that systematically create negative cycles and patterns in your life. If you do not stand against them in prayer, studying the word of God, making decrees, fasting and speaking to your internal (mind, body, spirit and soul) and external (home, community, finances, and work place) environment, those forces will dominate and overpower as if they have a right to steal your peace, joy, health, destiny and kingdom birthright.

Your salvation in Jesus Christ gives you a new life and an inheritance that exempts you from the law of sin and death and gives you the protection of the Law of the Spirit of Life through Lord Jesus Christ. This means you have to verbally make decrees which establishes your exemption from dark forces, including ancestral ones, that have been manipulating your family lineage for centuries.

After salvation, full round protection does not automatically happen, because the devil has always been a thief who deceives. His attributes are killing, stealing and destroying. Your protection is enforced when you pray and establish decrees on earth so that they are then established in heaven. Put on your spiritual armor, stand your ground, use your weapons well and the Lord will fight the invisible for you. Stand with God and He will stand with you. And when Jehovah stands with you, you can never be defeated! Who or what can stand against God and win?


Heavenly Father, I thank you for my salvation through your son Lord Jesus Christ. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and believe that I have a new life, inheritance and birthright through Him in your Kingdom. May the power of Jesus Christ sanitize the foundation of my life and separate my soul spirit and body from any instrument that gave the enemy legal right and or entry way, to manipulate my life. May the root cause of my affliction, struggles and hardship be destroyed by the blood of Jesus. Then strengthen me by your word and power, making me a skilled fighter in your kingdom, in which no weapon or attack of the enemy could ever prosper against my life, in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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