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Got Faith?

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith by saying, now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Operating by faith for Christians is not initially easy because our first experiences are from our primary physical lifestyle, nature, and response system (the world). Operating by faith often feels counterintuitive because we are conditioned to operate by what we see. Therefore, it has become natural to respond by sight and the world around us. However, because we have been adopted into the family of Jesus Christ, operating in the spirit must become first nature and the old nature must become obsolete (Ephesians 1:5) . Many of us would say that we have faith and trust God. It is easy to trust God when we are experiencing good times, sound health, and financial blessings. However, do we really trust in God irrespective of the circumstances? When a bad situation happens or we hear bad news, does fear or faith control our reaction? It's only when we make the decision to respond with faith at the times confronted with difficult situations, we can grow in faith and reap the miracles of operating in faith. Responding by faith takes practice. However, all you need is just a little faith. Experiencing a transformed life only comes by your ability to renew your mind (Romans 12:2). An old mindset lacks growth and elevation and a new mind accelerates and grows with information. Therefore, you can only travel as far as you can see and obtain only what you know. Allowing God to transform your mind will help you learn how to practice your faith and operate in your new nature of spirit, life and light in Jesus Christ with self-assurance. Faith is a powerful substance in the kingdom of God. As you become faithful over a few things you will grow to become faithful over many things. In the same way a person can not suddenly decide to run a marathon without practice we can not expect our faith to grow over night-- faith has to be exercised. However, with daily commitment, discipline, and exercise we will have the ability to triumph over our life’s challenges. Do not give up! In your new life in Christ, faith becomes the foundation and lifestyle of how you and I are made to live; without drawing back from it (Hebrews 10:38; 2 Corinthians 5:17). Also, it is our source of confidence in believing the word, promises of God and the power and authority we have as children of God. This means our new spiritual culture is to see sickness and declare healing, see poverty and speak prosperity, see confusion and declare peace and see challenges and declare victories. If we speak fears and negative statements to the mountain it will never move. The mountain (negative situation) will only move when we believe God, His word, and understand our new identity in Jesus Christ. We can embrace and and must master speaking in our kingdom authority and language so that we will experience the powerful victories of great testimonies and miracles (Romans 4:17). The Lord desires for you and I to prosper in whatever we put our hand and mind to and be in good health (1 John 3:2). Regardless of what hardships you are experiencing today or the new goal or life change you want to make, when you believe, speak and take action in faith, there are no limitations on the possibilities of what you can achieve. On the other hand, if you doubt and speak things that do not align with God’s promises for your life, you are creating your own blockages. In most cases we fail to experience many testimonies, because lack of faith causes us to give up right at the verge a breakthrough. We will forget that life and death is in the power of our tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Then speak the wrong language, think low thoughts by doubting God's word, forgetting the power given to us a child of God and relinquish our faith. No more giving victory to the devil! Hold on to your faith and trust in God no matter what! Prayer Heavenly Father, I thank you that I am more than an overcomer through Jesus Christ. I give you my life, mind, body and soul and ask for you to wash and detox me completely. I ask that you transform my mind, cleanse my heart and renew a right spirit within me that I will operate by faith and not by sight. And bring everything that I need to know to maintain faith consistently, to my remembrance in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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