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In Need of Sexual Healing?

How many times have you connected with a person believing the connection that would last long term but it did not? Have there been partners that you have had sex with, initially believing that the relationship would be your greatest joy- but later regrettably discovered things did not become what you envisioned? It did not last, despite all of your wishes and heart desires. What deceived you? What mislead you?

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew that it was best for you to disconnect from an intimate relationship? However, when you see them your mind, and spirit were screaming NO, but your body was in total disagreement? To be physically separated in a relationship but still spiritually, mentally and emotionally connected means you have kept spiritual baggage that will prevent you from moving forward into the next relationship freely.

Many of us have not been a saint and saved all of our lives and as a result many have had several sexual partners. Every time you have sex in the natural an exchange is occurring in the spirit. Spiritual binding that occurs from sexual intercourse is what many Christian ministers call soul ties. It can also be called spirit ties in my opinion because it associates with negative spiritual forces that create spiritual yokes and strongholds that prevent you from truly operating in your free-will.

For example, have you ever experienced having a friend who found out that their partner was cheating on them and found every excuse to still stay in that relationship? Or stories about how after someone was rejected after sex, they continued to pursue the person insanely? Do you know of anyone who has been in so many wrong relationships that their mind became unstable and they began to operate with confusion, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or engage in risky behaviors?

Somehow, they have become mentally and emotionally manipulated as a consequence of rejection. Instead of becoming a better person they become worse. Instead of gaining strengths they developed weaknesses. The truth hurts but when you accept the truth about a relationship you will be made free.

Sex with the wrong person could create these issues. When you come in agreement to have intercourse with an individual, you never know what baggage or blessings you are receiving, loosing or exchanging. Those whose behaviors are similar to the aforementioned examples, have lost a strength and gained a hindrance through the soul-ties that was created through sex.

This negative deposit has caused people to do things they really would not normally do, lower their standards and become stagnant in some form (mentally, spiritually, or emotionally and sometimes all three). This is so, because they gave away something so valuable to the person who was not worthy to be with.

Roadmap to Getting Un-Stuck

  1. When you disconnect from any close relationship, intimate or not, you must by pray, disconnect your mind, spirit and emotions from that person and ask God to remove all evil deposits that have been placed in your soul, spirit, body, life, family, finances, etc., through that covenant. Negative deposits and negative influences can spiritually attack you in several ways. They will create challenges in your life and future relationships.

  2. Have you become better or worse? Evaluate what may have been deposited on the inside of you through all of your past sexual relationships. As you have separated from them physically, you must spiritually separate as well. Many of us do not realize we need to disconnect in this way too.

  3. Ask God for mercy; in prayer list the name of everyone you have been with sexually and divorce them spiritually. Ask God to give you back your goods that have been taken and that you may be restored in every way.

  4. We may have arrived at Salvation during different times in our lives. We have different background experiences and are on different levels. Today God will meet you where you are. Do not condemn yourself for any wrong choices or mistakes, we all make them. Its how you bounce back that matters. God is married to the backslider and is able to help you to the greatest capacity get un-stuck and move forward.

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