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Pain is inevitable. There is no human being who does not experience pain in their lifetime. What is pain ? The International Association for the Study of Pain has thoroughly defined pain and contributing factors in the following ways “both an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage...not just a physical sensation. It is influenced by attitudes, beliefs, personality and social factors, and can affect emotional and mental wellbeing.”

What makes pain even more complex is that it is not tangible - no one can see your pain, only you will know that it is there, where it is located and what caused it. If you are feeling pain you are not alone. Many of us has experienced pain and are even experiencing it now. Pain of regret, pain of failure, pain of wrong decisions, pains of trusting the wrong people, pain of friends turning into enemies, pain of neglectful parents, pain of a rough childhood, pain of struggling, pain of family treating you like an enemy, pain of trauma, pain of harsh words, pain of rejection, pain of no helpers, pain of being a single parent and pain that comes when hurt people hurt people.

The blows and arrows of life can hit you anywhere. Whether you experience pain in your mind, heart, spirit or body, it hurts and is a signal that something is wrong. Do not ignore it but pay attention to how you feel so that you can be aware of how it impacts your body, feelings , thoughts and actions. Nobody wants to feel pain.

When something strikes us that hurts, instantaneously we want alleviation. We are willing to sleep, self-medicate, or go through rehabilitation to feel better. We are also willing to accept unhealthy relationships and do things we really do not want to do, only because we hide the pain that is really there by numbing it.

A lot of us want to numb the pain of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional trauma. We readily address the physical trauma but on the other hand, if the source of the hurt is mental, spiritual or emotional we often avoid, deny, and ignore the trauma. Why is it that we do not mind addressing the wounds on the outside of the body but often hesitant with healing the wounds that are not seen with the naked eyes; and remains within?

One day I realized, it hurts, they were wrong, I want justice; vindication but chose to surrender because I wanted healing, restoration and to recover my strength and live a better life with this baggage no longer in it, dictating my peace, joy and moods. I realized that God is more than able to fight for me and heal my pain.

I wanted to have a say in how my story would change so I made this decision that was not easy (regardless of right or wrong, pain I choose to release you). I wanted internal freedom more than a continuous life of hidden misery. The outcome was learning what peace feels like, joy smells like, happiness looks like and the comfort that touching hope brings... I learned to laugh again.

Untreated pain interferes with one’s ability to focus, concentrate, move with the right speed and creates many setbacks and delays. To heal the part of the body that is wounded, the root cause of the pain has to be addressed. If you only treat the symptoms and neglect treating the root cause of hurt, the pain will always be present in that location , until you gain the confidence to confront it and treat it.

Believe it or not what you do not face will control you. And if you want to take back control over the pain despite the agony — the pain must be exposed to light. When light shines on darkness, darkness disappears. Let the light of God shine on your pain. Do not be ashamed, filled with regrets, embarrassed or hold any type of judgement, just let the light of God shine where you have been wounded and are hurting.

Release that which does not feel good to your heavenly father. This includes surrendering the pain, hurt, disappointment, exhaustion, regret, hatred and anger... ALL OF IT. Tell Him to take it all from you and to wash you of the stains, marks, wounds, scars, memories, and the overall negative impact to your mind ,body, soul, and emotions. Ask God to make and mold you into a new creation full of strength, power, light and joy. For God has a plan and wish for you that you will prosper and be in good health even as thy soul prosper (Jeremiah 29:11).

What do you really want? To live with pain or not? Ultimately, it is a matter of your choice. You can choose to acknowledge your pain and make a conscious decision to heal. Only you can decide what you really want. Are you ready to break free and move forward?


Dear Lord, your grace is sufficient and your mercy endures forever. Lord wash my mind, heart and everywhere I have been hurt. Deliver me from the painful grips and evil strongholds that have been straining my life. Where I have been weak repair and strengthen me. Oh Lord , there is nothing too hard for you to do. Mold me and make me over into the new creation you desire for me to be and I hope for. In Jesus’ Name Amen.

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