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Unfortunately, many of us work on our outer appearance; our physical body, health and nutrition but neglect our internal spiritual and emotional upkeep. Ponder the following questions: What is the condition of your being internally ? How do your insides look? When was your last check up?

Wounds that do not heal become infected. And an untreated infection can create poison inside one’s body. In a likewise manner, unaddressed pain from an offense can become infected and infect your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Because your whole body is affected by this pain, making you experience severe distress in your mental and emotional state and sickness in your physical body.

What do you do with so much mental and emotional pain? Can Tylenol or Motrin make it go away? No! Unfortunately, this medicine does not reach spiritual and emotional pains, but there is a kind of medicine that does— the word of God.

My son attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Proverbs 4:21-22

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He wants to make you a new creation but many times we reflect and identify with our old self and the things that we have been conditioned to instead of allowing God to process us into the molding of a new life in Jesus Christ. In this case, we are never able to properly move forward because we are constantly looking back. How successful can anyone become looking backwards as they try to walk forward? God wants to cleanse His children of their negative past and the effects negative experiences (pains, mistakes, failures, disappointments) have created.

If we can muster up the courage to allow God to restore our mind and hearts of the things that have been hurting us for years, the cleansing and transformation into a new son or daughter of God can finally start. When you surrender your pains, insecurities, worries and fears unto the Lord, He can heal you in levels that no psychologist, therapist, or pastor can touch. For He is the GREAT physician and creator of all things. Therefore knows how to mold and make you over again.

God will use the broken pieces and parts which continue to cut you ; to repair the foundation of your mind, heart, and life. However, we must first have the courage and faith to surrender our issues before Him, especially the things we find shameful and embarrassing. The enemy loves for us to feel ashamed, victimized, down and depressed.

So, release the things and emotions that do not add value to your life, know that the Lord loves you despite your faults and will fight for you… when you just call out and say “Father, help me, defend me, fight for me!

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