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What is stopping you from living your best life? What are you telling yourself? What are the self sabotaging beliefs linked to you feeling not good enough? We all go through moments when we become afraid to take a bold move but holding on to any kind of fear will paralyze you and keep you stuck if you do not redirect it into its proper place; the waste basket or motivation can.

Unfulfilled dreams can lead to pain in your mind, emotions and spirit. Therefore, extreme measures to operate within your talents and gifts must be taken to ensure you fulfill your purpose and destiny. The responsibility of choosing and defining the direction of your life is in your hands. No other person has the power to decide how the chapters and story of your life turn out; this great power ultimately belongs to you.

Fear and pain are two categories which often derail people, making it nearly impossible to reach higher heights. They look at their past, look at their experiences, look at their current support system and their weaknesses. While it is important to be realistic and honest about the odds which are not in a person's favor; it is arguably even more important to take stock of one’s strengths and consider the potential for success which exists.

Conversely, I want to share that pain and fear can actually be used to launch you into the destination of your purpose, if you direct these feelings appropriately. For example, if you are finding it difficult to let certain painful situations out of your system, you can use that same circumstance to make you stronger instead of weaker.

When you reflect on what you do not want and desire a better version of yourself it can push you to take steps in the direction that will allow you to obtain the things that you desire. This is why I would say, let your pain motivate you and fear encourage you to become a prosperous person instead of allowing your frustrations stemming from passed failures and disappointments to stagnate and stop you.

Do not take for granted the blessing and great opportunity that you have right now at this very moment to upgrade your life. The attitude and actions you take today, will change your life moving forward. Pain and fear can be redirected and channeled in a way that it does not destroy the greatness inside of you and your destiny. Sometimes obstacles can provide you with the fuel to obtain success and make great decisions.

There is pain when you are not living your purpose; and there is pleasure in obtaining success, living a fulfilled life and experiencing how good it feels. What are you going to do? What life are you choosing to live?

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