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There are a lot of life events that can contribute to pain in our lives. Pain is one device that can keep us in a stuck place and prevent us from moving. Therefore, it is so important that you do not let the pain you have experienced stop you! You can still move forward while in pain even though it might not be with the desired speed. On the journey of life, there can be many reasons to stop and lose heart, but do not give tough circumstances that power.

In the mist of challenges and obstacles, do your know fear, blame and excuses are the three most common things that stop most people from taking control of their life. They stand in the middle as blockers of you reaching your desired destination. The enemy aims to stagnate our ability to prosper and be in good health. He uses fear, blame, and excuses as a three-string cord to hold you back and rob you of a great future. It is critical for children of God to use the sword of the Lord, cut those cords today and do not look back!

My high school teacher English teacher, Sis Kenya, had all her students recite the quote and a mantra, “Excuses are the tools of the incompetent those who succeed at them rarely succeed at anything else.” I do not know or recall the source of this powerful message, but having this quote drilled into my spirit during my teens impacted me as an adult during times when I had a lot of excuses and reasons to call it quits.

When I had an excuse, it inspired me to examine the reason for my excuse (despite it being a valid one) and explore ways and possibilities in which what I wanted to accomplish could work, instead of being paralyzed by looking at the circumstances that appeared to be blocking my way. By practicing this, I’ve learned to change my mind from an excuse way of thinking into a possibility way of thinking.

Negative thoughts, doubts, fears, and negative situations can discourage anyone. If you do not have proper help or support on your journey, this can discourage anyone. When you are trying to move forward and you are constantly hit with setbacks (by a reason), this would discourage anyone. People promising to help you but failing to come through, can discourage anyone. Feeling alone and rejected can discourage anyone. Being violated and mistreated can discourage anyone.

However, you cannot let these dynamics stop you from being who you are called to be and operate in the things you are called to do. Let the drama, pain and discouragement of life transform and strengthen you with more will power. We all get knocked down sometimes but we cannot stay down. We experience various types of valleys and mountains in our life but through the power of faith confessions what we say out of our mouth and the faith we hold in our mind and thoughts, including the hope we believe in our heart, those obstacles will have to be walked on and overcome by our faith.

Today, do not have an excuse, to stop you from experiencing greatness! Do not have an excuse to fail! Have reasons to be unstoppable! If you have been stopped, put on your strength, put on your confidence, put on your faith and get back up again! You decide what your end results look like on the journey of life. No more blame! No more excuses! Grab your faith, reposition yourself, plan, take action and make your best life happen! Without hesitation, just do it! Because you have the power to choose – to be Unstoppable!

The good things about today is that the lessons of previous days can add value and influence what you do right now, at this very moment. What you do today will definitely affect your tomorrow. No one can take any action on your behalf. Furthermore, if for some reason you feel like quitting after you have gotten back up again, decide why giving up is not an option for you. Hold on to encouragement when things do not look hopeful and keep moving forward no matter what. Consciously refuse to give into an excuse, because excuse decision making are destiny snatchers and time wasters.

For this reason, be inspired to look at your tough circumstances with a possibility lens. Doing this will help you see the necessary steps that lead to the path you actually want in life.... be unstoppable!


  • Renew your mind

  • Identify your purpose and embrace it

  • Identify what do you really want to do

  • Measure how important is it to accomplish what you want

  • Set new goals to get there

  • Be clear on your personal mission

  • Always believe that you can do it

  • Imagine the multiple possibilities

  • Stay hopeful

  • Refuse to be a victim

  • Refuse to have an excuse

  • Reject no's

  • Stay Encouraged

  • Strengthen your mind and faith

  • Gain new skills

  • Take charge and change your story

  • Feel excited about you

  • Create positive habits and daily regiments

  • Stay focused, persistent and consistent

  • Move strategically, plan and do

  • Stay balanced: mind, body and spirit

  • Be happy

  • Fulfill your destiny!

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