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Sexual Freedom from What Happened in Vegas

How does one become unstuck or undo what’s already been done? So often it’s said “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” But the truth is although you have left Vegas (the bed) physically does not mean you have left emotionally or spiritually. If only we could find a magic eraser and clear our past mistakes and “situationships” and the scars that resulted, life would be so easy.

Unfortunately, there are consequences for our actions in the physical and spiritual realms. Since we are addressing not so good news I might as well tell you the truth that you already know. The bad news is that you’ve made mistakes. The good news is that you have been redeemed and justified.

God just wants you to come back; change your mind and repent. He has already paid for every mistake that you have made in the past and the future ones too. However, there is still work that needs to be done to undo the damage that came from that fun night and depending on who you are...several nights of fun. Bottom line one mistake or 20,000 mistakes God still loved you the same and wants you to be free hindering influences and conditions.

Ways to Break Unhealthy Soul Ties

  1. Have a desire to change the direction of your life. This takes allowing God the opportunity to renew your mind. Reflect on the negative consequences that you no longer want to experience any more.

  2. Release shame, regrets and blame but accept responsibility for your actions. Do not condemn yourself, we all make mistakes and have done some things we would like to keep a secret. The main thing is that you pull yourself back up. Holding on to shame, blame and regret will not only keep you stuck but pull you further down. You must do everything to pull yourself back up by forgiving yourself, entertaining the right thoughts and speaking the right language.

  3. Use the right self-language because God has renewed your mind. Use words that reject your old mindset (anything that will pull you backwards) and embraces a new positive mindset (to where you are moving forward). Let your language align with your new mind. A mental reset will give your life a reset!

  4. Ask God to help you. Things and situations can feel like a mountain to move and you make have to wrestle and win you battle by praying and fasting.

  5. Repent, disconnect yourself and denounce evil invitations and doors that gave the enemy access to manipulate your life. Do this daily until you feel release and a positive change.

  6. Separate yourself from negative influences, people, places and things.

  7. As you experience emotional discomfort during this process, stay encouraged and determined despite feeling like giving in DO NOT!

  8. Surround yourself with positive influences, motivational messages, activities and outings that keep you busy.

  9. Make prayer and studying the word of God your lifestyle not habit!

  10. When you get free STAY FREE!

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