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Silence Your Fears

How many times have you wanted to do something but a million reasons of why it would be too difficult or why you can’t, came up? Despite wanting to experience the best in life, how many times have you entertained negative internal chatter and felt discouraged, anxiety or depressed? How many times have you felt so disappointed with yourself because of a mistake you have made and instead of realizing that we all make them and fall short at times, found it difficult to forgive yourself and move forward? If you can relate, this article is for you.

Without question, the things we think impact our attitude and actions. There are things that can block us from embracing our greatest potential and living our best life and it starts with our mind; what we believe to be true and what we have accepted as truth. Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. This means depending on our state of mind and beliefs, we can be our own hindrance or help. For this reason, it is important to examine the internal chatter we have with ourselves.

Your mind is connected to how you reason— logical understanding. Your heart is connected to your passion and is a reflection of what you know, believe, desire and hope. Your mouth will only confess what you believe in your heart (Romans 10:10, NKJV). Therefore, you can never achieve what you do not believe is accomplishable. When you are filled with faith in your mind, heart and actions, there will be no limitation on what is possible for you to achieve.

The heart, mouth and mind of man are like triplets, the three are entwined. They operate simultaneously and reflect each other. We often speak and react by what we believe to be true, this is why the mind and the thoughts we entertain and believe are so powerful; our lives become a reflection of it. The enemy’s (Satan) greatest weapon is his ability to deceive. Making individuals believe a lie as the truth.

Doubt is a deceiving spirit and an instrument the enemy uses to place a cap on what you would be able to achieve. The enemy wants you to submit and agree with negative self-chatter so that he can control the direction of your life. If you are holding on to doubt while hoping to achieve a goal, you will experience nothing but stagnation, limitations and delays; because doubt gives the enemy access to manipulate how you would respond.

As a child of God, you have power to overcome every obstacle. What has the devil told you, that you believed? To overcome the enemy’s deception, you need faith. Don’t ever be weary when Jehovah Jireh, Yahweh is your God. Keep your faith and confidence in Him. When you submit your life to Him and acknowledge Him first in all your ways, He will direct your path and grant you victories. The things that appear difficult the Lord will make easy.

Doubt and belief are like opponents, while faith and fear are enemies! Always reject doubts, think positive and practice ways to increase your faith. Know that with God all things become possible! If you truly want to transform your life this year, you must renew your mind, caution what you say and hold on to hope and faith, while climbing to reach your goals.

One way to redirect a negative mindset to a positive one is by no longer allowing negative self-talk to rule and dominate your mind. Embrace your kingdom authority and reject those thoughts that are not good, and welcome those that are positive, hopeful or encouraging. There is always hope. Hope is a very powerful force along with faith. Bind up those negative things you have accepted about yourself and caste them out of your brain into the trash to be burned by the fire of God.

Embrace internal dialogue that says, I can make it, I will live, I will recover, I will prosper, I will excel, I will overcome, this is not too difficult, and I will achieve greatness, I forgive myself, I do love myself, I am smart, wise and intelligent, I will try again, it’s not too late, I will not give up and I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me and more! Be strong and confident in the Lord and refuse to believe the lies of the enemy.


Heavenly Father, I need you! I repent for not trusting you the way that I should. Lord take over my mind and purge it from all negative thoughts that I have once accepted as true. Satan, the Lord rebuke you from my mind. My mind, belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly father, flush out every seed of doubt, worry, fear, shame, discouragement and cast down all vain imaginations that have tried to intimidate me from operating in faith, trust and confidence in your word. I decree, the voice of the enemy has been silent and the voice of God amplified in my life. Through Jesus Christ nothing shall be impossible for me to accomplish and I will fulfill my purpose and destiny and accomplish all of my goals. The Lord is with me and will grant me wisdom and strength to do it, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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