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The Power of Your Words

Would you believe me if I told you, you have the power to change your life by your words? Proverbs 18:21 tells us that life and death is in the power of our tongue but unfortunately, many of us do not understand the power of what we say and fail to select our choice of words wisely before speaking.

Often, we speak fears and doubts instead of faith and hope. Speaking contrary to the promises of God shows that you have rejected God, do not believe and have no faith. God will never override our personal choice of free will and autonomy. If you do not accept God’s word you will not reap the benefits of those that do. Words are so powerful that even if God proclaims a blessing on your life and you speak against it, you have hindered that blessing from coming to pass. It is for this reason, when God sent His angel Gabriel to Zechariah to inform him that his wife Elizabeth, who was barren and of old age would have a son and to name him John. Because Zechariah could not logically see this happening, he questioned the angel, “How could this be, I am old and my wife is old?” Since Zechariah doubted the angel Gabriel’s message, the angel decreed that he would not be able to speak and would remain silent until the promise came to pass (Luke Chapter 1); and this is exactly what happened. This was done so that nothing could interfere with the promise of God being delayed from coming to pass. Zechariah's mindset of speaking doubt would have been a hinderance self created. Knowing this, angel Gabriel actions can be seen as an act of kindness. Most of us respond by what we see and allow our mind, heart and reactions to be manipulated by external circumstances, especially negative ones. We easily forget that God has the power to overturn negative situations in one second, and often respond by fear instead of faith. God does not want our life to be manipulated by the enemy. The enemy is the father of lies and takes pleasure in creating false illusions, lies and deceptions. He does this by aiming to manipulate our natural world and physical sight around us with negative circumstances, hoping for us to react in fear and discouragement based upon our current physical reality. As the enemy operates in external situations, the Lord operates from internally within us. For this reason, God charges born again believers to walk by faith and not by sight, so that we will not fall prey to the tricks of the enemy. So, what is faith? According to Hebrews: 11:1 (NIV), faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Many chapters in the New Testament explains that when we have accepted salvation, a transformation of life occurs: We experience a shift from a spiritual rebirth, old mind to a new mind, an old self to a new self, old nature to a new nature, flesh to spirit, old garments to new ones. We are transferred from the kingdom of darkness into a kingdom of light; no longer under the law of sin and death but under the law of the spirit of life. Additionally, our power has shifted from an old covenant into a new covenant, being controlled by external forces into taking power and authority over evil influences, an enemy of God into a friend of God, operating by sight into operating by the substance of faith and having an armor of God. With the challenges that already come with the journey of life, why make it harder by speaking negatively? You have nothing to lose by embracing your faith and changing your world by your words. Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for reminding me that life and death is in the power of my tongue. I ask you to cancel and remove any hinderances I may have created in my life by speaking words of fear, doubt and discouragement. Also, remove every barrier that has blocked my ability to walk and operate in the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of my new identity in Jesus Christ. Lord, and enable me to experiencing my complete transition from a worldly mind to a new mindset in your kingdom. That I may prosper, enjoy life and be in good health in all areas of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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