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What Are You Thinking?

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 The Bible tells us that we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Many of us become distracted by challenges and magnify negative hardships and struggles more than blessings and opportunities as a result of discouragements and disappointments. Gratitude is rarely amplified. I cannot explain why we give more attention to dwelling on the things that have gone wrong instead of focusing on the lessons learned and the positive aspects of our lives. Many successful leaders and wealthy individuals often recommend one should practice speaking positive thoughts first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night in order to obtain transformation and achievement. Words are a form of primary communication that shape how we connect with ourselves and others. We assist in creating our world and circumstances with our words we think and speak. Speaking affirmations is a practice that supports amplifying positive attention to the things that you are thankful for, want to see, achieve and experience in life. For Believer’s we apply this method by making declarations and decrees and positive faith confessions. We intentionally choose to speak words that are in alignment with the word of God, goals, habits, character and accomplishments you want to become a reality. The practice of faith confessions is one way to help detox negative thinking patterns and develop a new mindset in Jesus Christ. It also allows the Holy Scriptures to become richly rooted on the inside of you. Thus, when you have digested the word of God, the word of God will be alive and active in your life. Therefore, with day-to-day doses of faith confessions, you should experience day-to-day progress (Job 22:28; Romans 12:2; Mark 11:23; Psalm 19:14). There is no way you can reach new levels in life with an old mindset. When you are stuck holding on to the wrong language, negative thinking, grudges and offenses you are refusing to let go of heavy weight (unhealthy baggage). It is a hindrance for you to carry these weights (Hebrews 12:1). You are also stuck if you carry how others may have negatively defined who you are and your destiny. It is very important to remain confident in your identity. It is your responsibility to remain strong and release thoughts and words that have no benefit of enhancing your life; practicing faith confessions are one way that initiates your ability to move forward and get mentally un-stuck. Prayer Dear God thank you transforming my mind by purging it of all the seeds that were not planted by you as I read this post. Thank you for reminding me you did not give me the spirit of fear, but power love and a sound mind. Please grant me the grace to rebuke negative thoughts and always let go of offenses, instantaneously as the come, so that I do not embrace new baggage. Thank you for my mental restoration and strength, in Jesus's name.

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