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What is Prayer?

What is the significance of prayer, and how can we use it as a strategy to set our destinies free?

When you pray, God will answer! Prayer is communication with God and when done sincerely, it has great life transforming power, especially when you believe and have faith. It cleanses, strengthen, transforms, heals and brings deliverance to the inward you (mind, spirit and soul)! Prayer has shaping and molding power. It is the tool that initiates the breaking of chains, barriers and strongholds and helps individuals gain divine alignment to fulfill their God given destiny.

There are many ways you can pray to your Heavenly Father: you can pray silently, in tongues, speak confessions, make declarations of the word of God or even sing your prayers. Even though there are so many different ways you can pray, it should always be done wholeheartedly in spirit and in truth.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faintLuke 18:1

I have written several books that center on the power of prayer. Each book has a unique message to strategically guide individuals who may be seeking to understand how to pray, build up their faith, obtain personal deliverance and break negative cycles that have been reciprocating in their personal life and family generationally.

Destroy the Cage: Break Free into God’s Purpose is the foundational book that teaches information every believer should know, such as their identity in Christ. Many may know the word of God, but still struggle putting it into practice. This book provides the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to exercise your faith and operate strategically as a child of God. Praying out of fear or praying then doubting or praying without repentance are all wrong ways of praying. This books teaching readers how to have an effective prayer life and experience answers prayers.

The Most Important Prayer

One of the most important prayers is the Prayer of Salvation. Accepting salvation (being saved) through Jesus Christ is the only way to receive deliverance (becoming rescued) from demonic attacks and strongholds. Those that accept Jesus Christ and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved (Acts 2:21; Romans 10: 9-13). By the Spirit of adoption through Jesus Christ, the spirit of bondage (that creates fear, yokes and strongholds) breaks (Romans8:15). The power of Jesus Christ, brings deliverance to everything concerning your life and soul.

Three ways the prayer of salvation changes your life:

1. Acceptance as a child of God

Those who accept salvation through Jesus Christ becomes children of God adopted into the family of Jesus Christ, saved by grace through faith (Ephesian 1: 3-6; Ephesians 2: 8-9; Galatians 3: 26-28; John 3: 14-17; Romans 8: 9-17). [Remember, Jesus came that we will have life and have life more abundantly (John 10:10).] They are then at the time of acceptance of His salvation, disconnected from the Law of sin and death and brought into the Law of the Spirit of Life (Romans 8:1).

2. Transference from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light

A powerful transformation is made when you pray the prayer of salvation; a pulling of one out from within the kingdom of darkness (where the enemy rules) and a transferring into the kingdom of light (where Jesus is King and Lord and rules over all). Whenever someone accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, He become Lord and Savior of their life and everything contending with their rights and inheritance under the kingdom of God has no choice but to bow at the name of Jesus.

3. A New Mind, New Heart, and New Language

The transfer from one kingdom into another brings a transformation and the transformation changes everything: a new mind, heart, language, character, appearance and gives power over all the works of Satan (Romans 8:6-11; Luke 10:19). For if any man be in Jesus Christ, he becomes a new man. The old man of the flesh dies and the new man of the spirit is brought to life. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).” Sincerely accepting Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of your life, is the first step to being saved.

There is Power in Prayer! A lifestyle of prayer can change your life.

The Prayer of Salvation

“Heavenly Father, I repent of my sins and and ask for your forgiveness. I accept your son Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. Lord Jesus, I cannot make it on my own and acknowledge I need your help. Today I surrender my life into your hands. Please wash and cleanse me from every negative issue that has created shame, stagnation, pain, sickness, and mental struggles in my life. Regulate my mind, purify my heart and renew a right spirit in me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. May you grace guide, strengthen, help and protect me to live according to your will, in your name Jesus I pray, Amen.”

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