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When the Enemy Strikes

Now, the Lord desires that the work of our hands, gifts and talents would be fruitful. That we as Heirs of Christ, will prosper in soul, spirit and body, including every area of our life (3 John 1:2). However, on the other hand the enemy operates with a spirit of deprivation and desires the opposite for us. Always looking for creative means to plant his contaminants in our body, homes, marriages, friendships, job and other places, during times when we are unaware, most vulnerable and often off guard to block the flow of goodness in our lives.

Jesus defined the enemy's characteristics as a thief, murderer and destroyer. Jesus stated in John 10:10 (KJV) that, "the thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Many of us are living our lives but failing to enjoy the overflow and abundance Jesus came to give us simultaneously. One reason this may be is because many of us have not learned or been taught how to use our spiritual weapons correctly by faith. Plus, what you and I do NOT know gives the enemy a great advantage.

Every wish of the enemy centers around blocking our ability to have a fruitful life, and it is our job as Believers to frustrate this plan. A thief never wants his intentions to be known, nor does he want to be exposed while breaking in to steal. This is why, when the enemy has decided to make a move against our destiny, he first monitors the ways we are most easily distracted and secondly, the time in which we are most often asleep. Then with this information judges what to do, how to do it and when to do it.

Therefore, as children of God we must be wise of the enemy's devices. Plus, never allow ourselves to become too complacent in which we let our spiritual security alarm system be turned off. The Lord does not want the enemy to have an advantage over us. It is only while men slept that the enemy succeeded in sowing tares among the wheat (Matthew 13:25). We must remain on guard against all forms of demonic timing, to block the enemy's ability to easily plant his evil in our lives.

When the enemy has access into our life, he can easily rob us of our blessings. There is a fight between the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light and with the authority of Jesus Christ we have to counteract against the enemy's tactics. Blocking, stopping and removing what he has planted by the power of our tongue and prayer (Proverbs 18:21; Luke 10:19). We have the power to bind, uproot and destroy what God has not planted in our life, family and possessions (Matthew 15:13; Matthew 18:18; Galatian 5:1, KJV).

If you have found that the enemy has succeeded in sowing tares in your life while you were asleep or distracted, know that Jesus has given you power to destroy all of Satan's work. You have the power to respond by prayer and cancel every evil plan and time sensitive attack. What you bind in earth will be bound in heaven–therefore bind what the enemy has planted and uprooted it all! We must continue to operate as the light of the world and allow nothing to remain planted that can hinder our light from shinning bright and brighter.

Prayer to Break Stagnation

Dear Heavenly Father,

I repent of my sins, iniquities, trespasses and I repent of the sins, iniquities, trespasses of my ancestry and plea the blood of Jesus against every accusation. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and by this my covenant with Jesus, I place myself, family, children, household, relationships, business, ministry, finances and every endeavor under the umbrella of Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus, Heavenly Father, uproot what you did not plant in my life.

It is written in Mathew 15:13 "Every tree that wasn’t planted by my Father in heaven will be pulled up by its roots." In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree any garment, device, instrument, weapon or element that the enemy has planted within my soul, spirt and body, to bring sickness and any form of stagnation, I command it to be uprooted and consumed by the fire of God now, in Jesus Name! I will prosper and be fruitful in every area of my life as God's desires.

I command everything the enemy had planted in my life, pulled out of my life by the roots. All limitations destroyed and in the Name of Jesus, any entry way that has allowed the enemy to have access into my life and to those connected in my life, closed and cut off right now by the power of Jesus Christ. I command the enemy access in my life permanently denied, now and forevermore.

For in Jesus Christ do I live move and have my being and I decree total restoration now! The Lord has commanded that I be fruitful, be in good health and prosper, even as my soul prosper, and I will, and I am! Nothing will stop me from flourishing in the hands of God. I fortify myself in Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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